Sociocracy 3.0 - The Novel(en) Unleash the Full Potential of People and Organizations Author: Jef Cumps Andere uitvoering 2019 232 Door zijn sterke groei is het bedrijf HRS in de problemen geraakt. Beslissingen worden te traag genomen, de communicatie loopt mank en de [...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
Own your story. Or someone else will.(en) Personal branding and thought leadership for professionals with a reputation Author: ianka fleerackers Paperback 2024 264 Some people still experience personal branding as a show of ego. Which it can be. Most people see personal branding as a tool for business[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
Survival Guide for Times of Change(en) 25 change hacks to better cope with change and challenges at work and at home Author: Florence Pérès Paperback 2023 248 Leer waarom de oude Grieken wintertraining volgden, hoe een seconde voorsprong het verschil kan maken, en hoe je een slechte dag kunt[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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Animation maths(en) Author: Bieke Masselis Ivo De Pauw Paperback 2021 399 Animation Maths opens with arithmetic, solving systems and trigonometry fundamentals, which are necessarily refreshed. It then guides[...] Prijs:€ 37,50 In winkelmandje
Digital marketing like a PRO - completely revised edition(en) Prepare. Run. Optimize. Author: Clo Willaerts Paperback 2022 226 How do you translate your business objectives into a digital marketing strategy? What are today's best practices for content[...] Prijs:€ 32,99 In winkelmandje
Healthusiasm(en) Making customers healthy & happy Author: Christophe Jauquet Andere uitvoering 2019 280 In een wereld waarin technologie onze behoeften meer en meer kan beantwoorden, zijn mensen bewuster bezig met gezond en gelukkig zijn.[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
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The Channel Whisperer(en) How to recruit and manage your distributors Author: Paul Sysmans Paperback 2018 200 Distributeurs willen steeds betere prijzen en exclusiviteit, voeren onvoldoende jouw strategie uit, zijn te weinig met jouw producten bezig[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
Optichannel Retail. Beyond the Digital Hysteria(en) Develop and Implement a Winning Strategy as a Retailer or Brand Manufacturer Author: Gino Van Ossel Andere uitvoering 2019 350 The digital revolution has made customers more demanding than ever. Speed, transparency and hyper-personalization are the new norm. More and[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
Spinal surgery for physiotherapists(en) Author: Bart Depreitere Paperback 2022 99 Fysiotherapeuten en revalidatieartsen worden in regel ingeschakeld na operaties. Toch is inzicht in de specifieke keuzes voor bepaalde[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
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Go with your talent(en) Author: Luk Dewulf Paperback 2012 139 We all have talents, but we don't always know what they are. As a result, talent is sometimes a difficult concept to grasp - but one that we need[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
The Big Book of Retail Design(en) Everything You Need to Know about Designing a Store Author: Katelijn Quartier Paperback 2023 288 Dit Big Book helpt je beslissingen nemen bij het ontwerpen van winkels. Met de komst van e-commerce is de rol die fysieke[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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A diamond in the rough(en) Over a 100 specific tips to build a strong customer culture Author: Steven Van Belleghem Paperback 2023 276 Straal optimisme, positiviteit en energie uit. Wees loyaal aan je klanten (en zij zullen loyaal zijn aan jou). Vergeet[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
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Content Marketing like a PRO(en) The All-In-One Guide to Content Marketing: From Planning to Promoting Author: Clo Willaerts Paperback 2023 352 This step-by-step marketing approach makes it ever so easy to apply content marketing concepts. Take your content marketing skills to[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
Strategy in Turbulent Times(en) How to Design a Strategy That Is Robust and Future-Proof Author: Kurt Verweire Paperback 2023 260 Companies face increasingly turbulent times. Economic and political uncertainty, sustainability developments, and competitors with new[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
The Agile Leader's Scrapbook(en) Author: Herman Van den Broeck Barney Jordaan Paperback 2018 168 The demand for organisations to become more agile has never been greater than in today's fast-moving economy. This book puts forward a[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje
Go with Your Talent(en) Card Set for Young Talent Author: Luk Dewulf Peter Beschuyt Els Pronk Emma Thyssen Andere uitvoering 2020 80 With this Card Set for Young Talent, you can get started right away with discovering your unique talent set: Easily tear out the[...] Prijs:€ 19,99 In winkelmandje
Net Curiosity Score - ENG(en) Author: Rik Vera Paperback 2024 240 Net Curiosity Score (NCS) isn't just about change, it's about curiosity as the key to navigating it. Many companies don't measure[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
Provotyping(en) Develop and realise sustainable future visions Author: Stefaan Vandist Paperback 2024 248 Hoe creëer je een verbindend toekomstverhaal voor je organisatie? In een tijdperk van groeiend bewustzijn voor biodiversiteit, klimaat en[...] Prijs:€ 34,99 In winkelmandje
High Impact Teaming(en) Slow Down to Go Faster Author: Stefan Decuyper Elisabeth Raes Anne Boon Paperback 2020 176 Teamwerk is vaak rommelig, ondoorzichtig en onvoorspelbaar. Dé kant-en-klare formule voor effectief samenwerken bestaat niet. Toch zijn er[...] Prijs:€ 29,99 In winkelmandje