Dirk Imhof

Dirk Imhof

Dirk Imhof has an mA degree in Classics and in Library Science. In 2008 he obtained his PhD in History at the University of Antwerp with a thesis on the Antwerp publisher Jan Moretus I (1543-1610). He is curator of the Rare Books and Archives at the Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp. His research focuses on book history in Antwerp in the early modern period and the Plantin Press in particular. Together with Karen Bowen he published Christopher Plantin and Engraved BookIllustrations in Sixteenth-Century Europe. His bibliography of the editions of Jan Moretus I, Jan Moretus and the Continuation of The Plantin Press: A Bibliography of the Works Published and Printed by Jan Moretus I in Antwerp (1589-1610), appeared in 2014.